
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Is there anything better....

.....than holster straps and OTK's?

Ok, there probably is, but it still looks pretty sweet.
Dark Matter s02e07 featured one of the best (IMO) outfits I've seen in a while. I talked about it a couple of days ago. Here's the clip. Sadly, the beige boot beauty is not a series regular, but the final scene suggests she'll be back. I think the glimpses we get of the Captain highlight the problem with dark boots, dark pants, dark set.  And yes, I know that Zoie Palmer's (the blonde) light beige suit doesn't feature watchable boots, but I just love to see her walking away. I've had a crush on her since Lost Girl. I meant for this post to be more witty and observant. I mean to do a lot of things. Seriously though, both Dark Matter and Killjoys bear watching.

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