
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Angel Boots
The new Charlie's Angels show didn't last long, but it did last long enough for us to see the lovely Minka Kelly in a pair of riding boots (s01e05)


  1. More fashion boot than true riding boot, but I am very happy either way. I used to perv (sorry, admire) Kate Jackson in her tall riders & jods back in the day. But then, I was a hormonal teenager.

    James Addiction

    1. Looks like she needed to buckle the back instead of having them floor around.

    2. A serious accusation. I take the distinction between "riders" and riding boots very seriously. Given the outfit I hadn't really questioned it, but after studying the boots in question I have to lean towards a finding of proper, but poorly fitted, riding boots. Clearly way too loose on the calf, but I think I recognize the other details from one of the major vendors. I'm horrible with brand names, but I know that back-zip and top strap. This is a very tepid endorsement. I would gladly bend to the opinion of an expert, but I lean, ever so slightly towards riding boot on this one. But I could be wrong. The poor fit changes the visual.

    3. Yeah, what Mturgansk said. I was responding to JA (and taking my sweet time with it) when I got beat to the "publish" button.


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