
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Man, What A Season

I don't know how it's been where you are, but in the world of TV ephemera (i.e. morning news/chat shows) this has been a boot season for the ages........if you like "suede" OTK's.  I find them to be somewhere between tolerable and quite nice, so I've been happy. Insanely busy, but happy.

It's a rare day that doesn't feature several pairs of "cap-able" boots amongst the 10 or 15 shows I monitor every day. The process of pulling boot scenes off my DVR is taking up a ridiculous amount of time. Time I would normally spend trimming and posting. Because I have limited space on my DVR, this is work that cannot be postponed.  As I type this, Samantha Ponder is talking college football while wearing over-the-knee boots. Just another Saturday morning.

Of course, being me, I'm still scouring youtube for clips. And finding a number of hidden gems. For a brief period I could fool myself into thinking that, "I'll share these when I start posting my own edits again." Far too many were going to slip through the cracks. So, until the current boot-avalanche subsides, I'll be using this blog primarily to share youtube clips, give programming alerts and to issue vague predictions and  pompous observations.  I hope that regular posting of my own trimmed clips will resume in the spring when things calm down a bit.


  1. Nice to see you back.


  2. Welcome back. Agree with your comments on suede. Nothing beats calfskin imho. Though, I will take thighhigh suede heeled boots. Glad you are back. Happy boot season!

  3. Hee Bruce

    Nice to heve you back.
    Here in europe/netherland it looks like it wil turnout to be the best bootyear ever.

  4. Thanks for all you do. Do as you see fit and able. Best regards!

  5. Great to have you back!! Merry Christmas!!

  6. I edore your clips we still wait for them



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