
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Doris Day-unlikely boot queen

Now, I'm not saying that Doris Day is Jane Fonda or Brigitte Bardot, but considering her public persona and that her most active period was just prior to the boot era, Doris managed to find her way into a pair of boots more often than most of her contemporaries.  And yes, I'm certain my judgment is clouded by that one season of The Doris Day Show.

Anyway, here's Doris in Jumbo (1962) sporting a look I call The Big Valley.  Fans of heavy aprons and gloves (and they're out there) may want to search this one out. The acrobatic scenes offer some nice views but we don't see enough of her mustard colored wagondriver outfit.

Now class, if you'll take out your textbook (in all future instances "textbook" refers to AndyP's indispensable Made For Walking).  Conventional wisdom used to hold that the boot era began in 1966/67. As such, this outfit from 1962 would have pre-dated it.  As we've learned from Professor Peake, knee-high boots began to  appear on the runways much earlier. As such this would dovetail with my crackpot notions regarding the influence of  street and couture on theatrical costuming.


  1. Had a chance to check out Jurassic World 2, Bruce?

    Bryce Dallas Howard has some pretty good action girl boots throughout with a few closeups on them.

  2. Just waiting for home video release.

    1. Extremely happy to see you uploading again, welcome back man.


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