
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Just say no to analysis paralysis


Thanks to Rayaltora for these fab clips I never would have found on my own.

A reader was kind enough to share some youtube links featuring a lovely member of a Korean(?) girl group who's often very nicely shod in lovely leather thighboots.  A normal person in my position would have said thank you, posted them and moved on into my busy day.  Instead, I revved up the rabbit hole machine. "What group is this, what's her name? Oh, look K-Pop artists are wearing boots again. I should do a whole feature on the return of stage boots. Have I seen that Becky G clip before?"

And verily, a browser bloom did open and darken that land. A sad, lonely man spun his wheels and accomplished nothing.  Then, miracle of miracles, I stopped myself, said, "just post these and move on"...and I did.

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