
Monday, July 9, 2018

Step one-avoid rabbit holes...

Step two-jump down a rabbit hole.

So, for the previous post I had to find the name and spelling of Elvis's co-star Michele Carey. This led to a waist-up picture of her in fetching cow-girl garb from the movie El Dorado. Fortunately, a quick image search for "Michele Carey El Dorado" led to this-

Lovely, but not really worth hunting down the complete movie(wet boot fanciers may disagree).

But....yes there is always a but.....the other assorted images of 60's cowgirls got me thinking about one of my favorite topics. Namely how contemporary fashions (including hair and make-up) strongly influence the costumes of historical (and speculative) features.   Despite being set in the 1800's this image could never have come from the 1950's.  Conversely, Star Trek's lady Klingons (TOS version) look EXACTLY like 1968.

Thankfully, I stopped myself before I could jump down that particular rabbit hole. But (see, always a but) one of the things I missed about this blog was being able to document every random bit of crazy that came into my head. See, now you're thinking "Why did we miss this guy?"

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