
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A long and shadowy boot-up
From Nitschewo (2003) Some movies almost download themselves. I saw the still-cap at the top and knew I HAD to have this movie. I watched this with sub-titles and the dialogue was not bootie enough to justify the laborious process of editing down the .sub file to match my edit. Besides, it's more fun to write your own script in your head.

In future, all scenes like this one, where a woman tries on a pair of boots shall be known as a boot-up. My lexicon had been lacking, I had de-boot and the sought after de-boot and re-boot, but hadn't fixed a term for a scene where we see a woman putting on a pair of boots. I shall enter big furry hat mode and declare, "Henceforth and forever onward these shall be described as a boot-up. So it is said, let it be written." Thank God, I got that out of my system.


  1. Bruce, just curious but from the old site was a stories section. It was my favorite part of the whole site because I loved the discovery and origin stories of our fetish brethren. I must seem like a guy who reads Playboy for the articles but I loved when new postings came up. Is there any chance those still exist? And if so can you post them? A no is ok, just wishing to see those again. Good day sir.

  2. A wonderful clip - just a shame he didn't manage to get both boots on! (You can guarantee that the foot fetish brigade get to take both boots OFF in their films...)

    James Addiction

  3. wonderful scene I just understood "survival of the fittest" it was enough :)



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