
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I did not see this coming

My mother's "celebration of life" was Friday. She'd been sick a long time and her death was a blessing. The service was quite pleasant and being repeatedly told what a wonderful son you were feels pretty nice. Emotionally, it was about what I expected.   But clearing out the house I grew up in is kicking my ass in ways I did not expect.  I am physically and emotionally wrung out. I hope to resume regular posting in a day or two.  So, this is what the kids mean by "all of the feels."


  1. That is something I honestly do not look forward to.
    My condolences.

  2. Condolences, Bruce and family! Remember the good times and take solace in those.

    All the best,

  3. Sorry for your loss.
    Take your time, Bruce. You know we're always here. We can wait.


  4. My condolences and take as much time as you need. Wish you the best.

  5. everyone needs time... hope you feel well soon.

  6. My condolences, Bruce. Take all the time you need - we'll be here to support you when you come back.

  7. Thoughts with you Bruce , just been through the same earlier . It is surprising what small thinks , hit you most . take care Ian

  8. Thoughts and positivity to you and your famly .

  9. Hello Bruce

    Myn condolences to you.
    Nice you are back on the horse

    Jan Netherlands

  10. Sorry to hear your news. My mother is suffering in the same way.
    Thoughts to you and your family

    James Addiction

  11. I love Your blog and whole work and effort that You put in this site.
    It is not pleasant to read this post. Sorry to hear Your news.
    My condolences.

  12. Sorry for being late. My thoughts and preys are with you, in these hard weeks.


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