
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

World of Dance 2018 - Marissa & The Heartbreakers

Oh My! Thanks to my new friend Anonymous for the tip on Marissa & The Heartbreakers. Yes, troupes of thighbooted dancers are DEFINITELY within this blog's purview (which I just noticed sounds a lot like perv-view, not my intention at first, but....)

Looks like Marissa keeps busy.

I normally don't like to embed two videos in one post, but the one above is just a perfect preview for her channel. These kinds of dance studio clips open a rabbit hole from which you may never escape. Seriously, pack a good lunch and bring plenty of water.  "Brick wall dance troupes" (you'll quickly see why I call them that) are pretty common and commonly wear thighboots. I would have sworn I'd highlighted Brinn Nicole before, but now I can't find any posts.
So, thank you and welcome to Anonymous, I hope you enjoy your time here.

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