
Monday, September 3, 2018

Yet again, things change

I hope you'll bear with this old man as he creates his two-hundred and eighty-third post about how much things have changed in the last 20 years.  Just prior to the creation of in '97, James snail-mailed me a newspaper  (ask your grand-dad kids) copy of the picture above for me to scan.  Scanners were expensive and challenging to set up (mine required me to install a SCSI card).  Mailing me a physical copy of a picture he happened to snag from a newspaper 7 years earlier was the only way to get a grainy, half-toned version of this picture back in the day.  I happened to think of it the other day. Google image search "Jane Fonda Ted Turner basketball game"-boom there it is.  A random 27 year old picture of real interest only to boot-fans.  I don't care how rude people are on twitter, I ain't giving up the interwebs.
BTW-I only just now noticed the legs in the foreground are wearing leather and suede OTK's.
Fu@k. The more I think about this, the more I think I might be combining two memories. I think James DID have a scanner and e-mailed me this picture, but I had another friend who did not have a scanner who snail-mailed me pictures to scan. I think, maybe. Is it time for soup yet?


  1. The opening 15 seconds of Book club has Jane pulling on leather thigh highs unobscured. Some further bootate, but that's the $ shot.

    1. Yep, nicely bootie for the first few scenes, dries up pretty quickly after that. The really good blu-ray rips are just starting to show up. It's on my short list

  2. AWESOME pic. And what's crazy is that I have no recollection of it. If I have seen it before, I've inexplicably forgotten about it, which makes no sense.

    Also ... "SCSI card" made me laugh. I was an early user of scanners (for work). They've come a long way.



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