
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

24 hours with Spanish language TV

 "So Bruce," say the voices in my head, "why do you spend so much time monitoring the Spanish language stations."
"Well," I reply to no one, "in less than 24 hours I saw-"
  • A group of singers wearing mid-thigh skirts and thigh-high boots
  • A singer in a FINE denim jumpsuit and tan thighboots
  • A singer in sherbet colored stocking boots
  • A singer in a jaw-dropping fetish-y outfit with patent thighboots
  • A singer in sparkly thighboots
  • A cooking segment that was interrupted by a woman in thighboots doing step aerobics
  • A thighbooted interviewer
  • A hostess in a decent pair of knee boots (included only to keep up the theme)
Everything in the clip below aired between the evening of Sunday, Nov 24 2019 thru to Monday afternoon.  Admittedly, this was an above average 24 hours, but take away the denim jumpsuit and shiny thighboots and it's pretty average for these stations.  That's why my DVR is full of shows I can't understand, but will always love dearly.

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