
Friday, December 13, 2019

A brief rant about superheros

Above is a quick screen-grab of Liz Hurley in the new season of Marvel's Runaways.  It is predictably dark, but still, it looks promising(and shockingly it is The Hurley). But it brings up something that's been bugging me....
Now don't get me wrong, we live a bootie age, I am thankful for that. But did you ever think there would be a time where there were 48 shows about superheros and exactly 1 of them (Supergirl) reliably featured interesting boots?  I don't need spiky heeled crotch highs, but how about a decent pair of knee boots in a scene with normal daylight?  How many different styles of clunky, lace-up  ankle "boots" are there in the super-hero universe? An inexhaustible supply apparently.


  1. The good times of Lost Girl...

    About Supergirl, though, here's a great picture of her two stunts relaxing on the set.

    1. Oh, from the time of the "Evil" Supergirl cross-over! That group of episodes is next on my SG list.


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