
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How I got from here to there

So, I was farting around this morning and had the TV on in the background. I noticed celebrity chef Katie Lee doing a cooking segment, her lower half blocked by the counter (as usual). I thought, "she seems like she might be bootie", so I searched for "Katie Lee boots" A poor thumbnail of the picture below popped up. There was NO information regarding the event the picture was taken at.  I've been disappointed by google's reverse image search lately, so I tried
It did help me find this image, and some info about the event (which did not yield video). Tineye seemed like it might be a good replacement for google's recently disappointing reverse image search.  I thought I'd run some tests using more specialized images. It's been ages since I searched for At Sword's Point pictures.
There are a lot of new-to-me At Sword's Point pictures out there. can be helpful for finding better/non-watermarked versions of common pictures, but doesn't have the depth that I'd really like. But this got me thinking about At Sword's Point and I was disappointed that it STILL isn't available in HD.....Seriously, what's up with that? Then I started thinking about other great movies that are only available on poorly mastered DVD's. Who is Killing the Great Chef's of Europe is towards the top of the list. Been a while since I poked around for it, so I discovered this-
These aren't the best boots she wears in the movie, but this picture is quite representative of Jacqueline Bisset's dizzying wardrobe throughout. There are a number of "Jacqueline Bisset boots" pictures out there. And then I saw this-

There's an episode of Seinfeld where George learns to leave on a high note, so all I have to say is, "Thank you and goodnight everybody."

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