
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My Bad Habits

I certainly didn't intend for this blog to be a collection of random youtube clips I stumbled across.  My two active/processing drives are becoming dangerously full. I really need to hunker down and dedicate big blocks of time to the laborious task of  thinning out the chaff.

In the days before I started blogging, discovering a nicely bootie movie was almost the end-game.  I'd get that collector's endorphin rush, transfer the movie over to a storage drive and tell myself I'd trim it down "later."  I have movies with known bootage that I downloaded in 2009 that I'll get to someday.

But now, I feel your eyes upon me. When I stumble across something like Ingrid sulla strada my second thought is "oh, the guys are going to want to see this." Previously, I'd have just moved it to a storage drive (like I did with Toh Morta La Nonna)

The bottom line is I have 100's (if not thousands) of movies and TV shows that probably don't have boots in them that I have to scan through. It's one of my least favorite things to do and in terms of this blog is completely unproductive. It's a problem that worsens every day as I find new things to download. It lurks in the back of your mind like that slow drip under the sink. You know you'll have to deal with it, and the longer you wait the worse it gets.

So, what to do? I know,  I'll  get obsessed with minor celebrities and spend days hunting down youtube clips of them! It's fun and filled with tiny little rewards every time you find a new clip! When I share youtube clips I don't have to worry about trimming or uploading or making still caps.

And everyday my "d" drive gets fuller. So now that I've identified the problem, I'll take every writer's first step.....spend 45 minutes writing about it!   Anyway, I need to buckle down, set some goals, clear a lot of hard-drive space and STAY AWAY FROM YOUTUBE!

1 comment:

  1. Bruce I hear ya and I know exactly what your saying. During my move I noticed a hard drive I thought was empty indeed it was not. It was filled with clips waiting to be edited. Because I am the ultimate procrastinator the chances any of those clips will see the light of day is maybe 2020!!!!! Stick to it my friend and indeed stay away from youtube and all current media for a week just so you can reset and attempt to catch up.


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