
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Parabéns TV Globo e Xuxa!

Xuxa, the inexplicable Brazilian phenomenon is still booted and going strong. I've often said there are a handful of genres that could support a boot video blog by themselves. You can add Xuxa videos to the list that includes Asian pop performers, professional wrestling and amateur superhero films.

The video above highlights a few of the outrageous outfits Xuxa has worn throughout her 30 years of hosting TV shows for children. In the mid-80's she branched out from her native Portuguese and began hosting shows in Spanish which were aired on one of the Spanish language stations in the US.

People complain that the 80's were a poor time for boots. Not if you had cable and a VCR. Xuxa (and the handful of  booted Xuxa clones that popped up), Princess on Dance Party USA, Club MTV and the ability to rent "specialty" videos for the first time kept me pretty busy.  Somewhere on a VHS tape I have a segment of Xuxa in black leather thigh boots over black vinyl pants DOING STRETCHING EXERCISES!  Good times.

In 1993 she did an English version of her show which was awkward, not as bootie and didn't last very long. To North Americans she seemed to disappear after that.  Actually she focused her efforts on Brazilian TV and has been churning out shows ever since.

Like the rest of the world she seemed to have turned her back on boots during the late 90's but has long since returned to her bootie ways.  Sadly, it is exhausting (for me at least) to follow her progress. There are 1,000's of Xuxa clips on youtube. But the quality is sometimes quite poor and will often feature few of the quality middle distance full-body views we crave. Since "Não falo português" (see with my limited Spanish I would have thought there would be something like "Habla" in there) it's tough for me to effectively search . What I tend to do is go on Xuxa binges every couple of years. The three clips in this group of posts are the result of an exhaustive 3 minute search. I could have easily spend days searching and found scores of clips like these. And someday after I've cleared some harddrive space I just might.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for posting the XUXA Videos. Something I never thought about. Should we be giving Xuxa some credit for the GLORIOUS past 5 years of OTK Boots? I never thought about it but girls watching her show in the late 1980s would be in their prime boots buying years now. An 8 year old girl in 1988 would have been 29 in 2009.


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