
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Ciara On The View

Another one thanks to The Daily Mail. It was only about 8 months ago that I was complaining that talk show guest were wearing boots to the stage door, and shoes on stage. As we see here (and will see later with Jessica Alba) that's starting to change.

Ciara appeared on the view in a magnificent pair of leather thigh boots. I wasn't able to capture it, but decent versions exist on youtube.

Brief youtube searching reveals that Ciara has been oft booted in the last few years. Here's one to get you started-
 Red pants tucked into black thigh boots is a wonderful look, even better when your dancers are also dressed that way.

Warning! Ciara's current stage wardrobe often features what appear to be some sort of leather over-knee leg-shaft worn with calf-high boots. They've fooled me on more than one occasion.

1 comment:

  1. They're both great, but the red pants one is phenomenal, IMHO. Thanks!


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