
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Leave My Youth Alone!!!!!

If you've been monitoring the Daily Mail for thigh boots as I've been suggesting for years, you've already seen this picture of Rita Ora. And you know that thigh boots are roaring back. But I want to take this opportunity to ask, "Why the Fu@k are you wearing a Dead Kennedys shirt?"  It's a 35 year-old logo for a band that hasn't been relevant for almost that long. I have made the case that Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables is the high-water mark for American punk rock.  I LOVED that album in 1980 and still listen to it on occasion. But I doubt that Miss Ora could tell the difference between Let's Lynch The Landlord and Police Truck. Leave the icons of my youth alone, get your own culture.  

1 comment:

  1. You show good knowledge of the DK's back catalogue, Bruce! They remain relevant to this day. Saw them in London back in June (minus Biafra obviously) and it was still a blistering set.

    I'm sure Rita would be happy to try California Uber Alles with me accompanying her on geetar.

    Keep up the good work


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