
Sunday, July 8, 2018

Star Trek Discovery

I've got a lot of catching up to do. I absolutely plan on resuming the uploads of my own edits, but I've got a number of sightings and alerts I want to rush through, here's a good place to start-

Given the dreadful bootage of post-TOS (The Original Series) Star Trek, you'd be forgiven for not investigating the "new"  Star Trek Discovery.  A mistake.

First, I found the show to be quite watchable. I can recommend it to even the most casual Sci-Fi fan. I found it moderately enjoyable for the first several episodes. And then I discovered the entire final half of the season involved a bootie-as-hell arc set in the evil Mirror-Mirror universe.  Heel-heads will be disappointed, but shafties and action fans will find much to enjoy. This will not be the last time we visit the show, but if you can figure out a way to watch, you'll probably enjoy it. There were a number of images on-line I chose not to share because they were HUGH spoilers.

Thought you'd want to know.

BTW-Hard to believe the boneheads at CBS tried to tent-pole their struggling pay-service with a show that would attract tech-savvy viewers.  Even after 20+ years, people who don't understand the internet are still allowed to make stupid decisions about putting content on the internet.

1 comment:

  1. You have got to go to the final episode of Season 1 where Michelle Yeoh is wearing thigh highs and capture it. PLEASES


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