
Friday, July 6, 2018

Watch This Space

So, no promises, but I've turned a major corner in my life and a situation that was causing me grave emotional distress has been resolved.  I've still got a few loose ends to clear up, but there's a strong possibility that my blog shall be reborn.

I do understand that some of you have been concerned for me personally. I assure you I have been healthy and well (physically anyway).  Sometimes I forget that many of my readers have journeyed  with me for decades and consider me a friend (a feeling that is reciprocated). It was rude of me to simply vanish for a year.  If my absence has caused you discomfort, I apologize and will try to make it up to you by dishing up piles of bootie goodness.


  1. I pray for the best for you. Hope to see your news in your blog soon.

  2. Good to hear from you Bruce!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's great to read you again, Bruce!

  5. Great to see you back. I'd almost given up on you, then a very complimentary Amazon review surfaced a couple of weeks ago about Andy P's book...

    James Addiction

  6. we all have ups and downs in life... nice to have you back :)

  7. Good to have you back, Bruce - you were missed

  8. SOOOOOOO late to this re-birth party, but sooooo glad you're back!

    I'll take credit, as in the last month or so, I finally stopped checking the blog on an almost-daily basis!

    All the best, Bruce!


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