This is what happens when I'm browsing my hard-drive looking for a "theme"
(Warning-this is a silly and self-indulgent post, with at least two unrelated rants-please ignore the text)
As I mentioned in an earlier post, TV dramas often feature large casts with multiple costume changes per episode. Also the way they're filmed often does not allow for frequent boot views. Sit-coms on the other hand will usually only feature 2 or 3 cast members who may be booted AND often feature only 2 or 3 costume changes per episode. The way comedies are shot often allows more of the middle range shots that offer the best boot viewing. And they are usually brightly lit. And they're only 22 minutes long. So with boots in comedy our theme, lets look at 4 episodes of one remarkably un-funny show.

This is S02E14-15 of Melissa and Joey. Everybody's favorite teen-age witch is back and sometimes wears decent heeled black kneeboots (as we see here). In this 2 episode arc there's some kind of foolishness involving a guest star who thankfully is seen in black leather OTK's. This is the point in the process where I think this is the dumbest thing I've ever done and just want to chuck the whole thing and go catch-up on Dr. Who. But I've already done 90% of the work and of course it's a stupid idea, but look BOOTS!

Taylor Spreitler is that sit-com archetype, a 20 year old playing a middle-class high school student with a million dollar wardrobe and a professional stylist. I have to admit whoever dresses her usually does a pretty good job. She's never before worn the 20 hole Doc Martins we briefly see at the beginning of the clip (and they wouldn't be in this clip at all if she didn't try to awkwardly take them off-S03E28). The second outfit is nice (IMO) and I like her black leather OTK's(S03E32). And at this point I have grown deeply weary of Melissa and Joey and can't wait to hit the submit button.
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