I certainly didn't intend for this blog to be a collection of random youtube clips I stumbled across. My two active/processing drives are becoming dangerously full. I really need to hunker down and dedicate big blocks of time to the laborious task of thinning out the chaff.
In the days before I started blogging, discovering a nicely bootie movie was almost the end-game. I'd get that collector's endorphin rush, transfer the movie over to a storage drive and tell myself I'd trim it down "later." I have movies with known bootage that I downloaded in 2009 that I'll get to someday.
But now, I feel your eyes upon me. When I stumble across something like Ingrid sulla strada my second thought is "oh, the guys are going to want to see this." Previously, I'd have just moved it to a storage drive (like I did with Toh Morta La Nonna)
The bottom line is I have 100's (if not thousands) of movies and TV shows that probably don't have boots in them that I have to scan through. It's one of my least favorite things to do and in terms of this blog is completely unproductive. It's a problem that worsens every day as I find new things to download. It lurks in the back of your mind like that slow drip under the sink. You know you'll have to deal with it, and the longer you wait the worse it gets.
So, what to do? I know, I'll get obsessed with minor celebrities and spend days hunting down youtube clips of them! It's fun and filled with tiny little rewards every time you find a new clip! When I share youtube clips I don't have to worry about trimming or uploading or making still caps.
And everyday my "d" drive gets fuller. So now that I've identified the problem, I'll take every writer's first step.....spend 45 minutes writing about it! Anyway, I need to buckle down, set some goals, clear a lot of hard-drive space and STAY AWAY FROM YOUTUBE!
Just some guy obsessed with women wearing boots. Here you'll find all sorts of mostly safe-for-work bootage. The emphasis is on booted women in the popular media.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Parabéns TV Globo e Xuxa!
Xuxa, the inexplicable Brazilian phenomenon is still booted and going strong. I've often said there are a handful of genres that could support a boot video blog by themselves. You can add Xuxa videos to the list that includes Asian pop performers, professional wrestling and amateur superhero films.
The video above highlights a few of the outrageous outfits Xuxa has worn throughout her 30 years of hosting TV shows for children. In the mid-80's she branched out from her native Portuguese and began hosting shows in Spanish which were aired on one of the Spanish language stations in the US.
People complain that the 80's were a poor time for boots. Not if you had cable and a VCR. Xuxa (and the handful of booted Xuxa clones that popped up), Princess on Dance Party USA, Club MTV and the ability to rent "specialty" videos for the first time kept me pretty busy. Somewhere on a VHS tape I have a segment of Xuxa in black leather thigh boots over black vinyl pants DOING STRETCHING EXERCISES! Good times.
In 1993 she did an English version of her show which was awkward, not as bootie and didn't last very long. To North Americans she seemed to disappear after that. Actually she focused her efforts on Brazilian TV and has been churning out shows ever since.
Like the rest of the world she seemed to have turned her back on boots during the late 90's but has long since returned to her bootie ways. Sadly, it is exhausting (for me at least) to follow her progress. There are 1,000's of Xuxa clips on youtube. But the quality is sometimes quite poor and will often feature few of the quality middle distance full-body views we crave. Since "Não falo português" (see with my limited Spanish I would have thought there would be something like "Habla" in there) it's tough for me to effectively search . What I tend to do is go on Xuxa binges every couple of years. The three clips in this group of posts are the result of an exhaustive 3 minute search. I could have easily spend days searching and found scores of clips like these. And someday after I've cleared some harddrive space I just might.
The video above highlights a few of the outrageous outfits Xuxa has worn throughout her 30 years of hosting TV shows for children. In the mid-80's she branched out from her native Portuguese and began hosting shows in Spanish which were aired on one of the Spanish language stations in the US.
People complain that the 80's were a poor time for boots. Not if you had cable and a VCR. Xuxa (and the handful of booted Xuxa clones that popped up), Princess on Dance Party USA, Club MTV and the ability to rent "specialty" videos for the first time kept me pretty busy. Somewhere on a VHS tape I have a segment of Xuxa in black leather thigh boots over black vinyl pants DOING STRETCHING EXERCISES! Good times.
In 1993 she did an English version of her show which was awkward, not as bootie and didn't last very long. To North Americans she seemed to disappear after that. Actually she focused her efforts on Brazilian TV and has been churning out shows ever since.
Like the rest of the world she seemed to have turned her back on boots during the late 90's but has long since returned to her bootie ways. Sadly, it is exhausting (for me at least) to follow her progress. There are 1,000's of Xuxa clips on youtube. But the quality is sometimes quite poor and will often feature few of the quality middle distance full-body views we crave. Since "Não falo português" (see with my limited Spanish I would have thought there would be something like "Habla" in there) it's tough for me to effectively search . What I tend to do is go on Xuxa binges every couple of years. The three clips in this group of posts are the result of an exhaustive 3 minute search. I could have easily spend days searching and found scores of clips like these. And someday after I've cleared some harddrive space I just might.
Xuxa no especial de 40 anos da TV Globo
WHAT? Xuxa in blue suede crotch high boots (and a fetching leather jacket).
Last minute add-I meant to point out that the clip immediately above this one is a retrospective of her outrageous costumes of the past. This clip is more representative of her current, more subdued style of dress. Well, if you can call blue suede crotch highs "subdued." While this is above average for her she has come a long way from her early 90's costumes which often veered dangerously close to "sexy clown" territory.
Xuxa - Tema de Abril
All should have been explained in the posts above. Xuxa struts about in leather OTK's and an interesting jacket.
It is still a little hard for me to get used to the "backwards" nature of blogging. What I post first, you see last.
It is still a little hard for me to get used to the "backwards" nature of blogging. What I post first, you see last.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Alison Haislip Hits the Comic-Con 09 Floor
Last one for now (probably). Read down the page for the continuing tab-clearing adventures of my mega-crush on Alison Haislip. I feel like I've been self-indulgent taking up this much of your time. But......Anyway, only a few glimpses of her OTK's in this one. Now I can close a bunch of tabs and feel like I didn't completely waste that Thursday when I spent HOURS looking for Haislip bootage.
Alison Haislip Interview on Nightcap
More Alison, different boots. I'm not usually a quantity over quality guy, but I respect the depth of her closet. She's not at the personal stylist/getting free stuff level of fame. I'm pretty sure she's just a Jersey girl who likes her boots.
Heinz Ketchup Got a New Mustard - The Break Up
Youtube is a dangerous goddamn place if you're trying to get stuff done. This was just an ad before a video I wanted to see. Oh look, a girl in boots and a mustard jar costume wrecks a room, I should share that. And the number of open tabs increases.
TIS Extras: Alison Haislip in highschool
The Alison Haislip tab clearing continues. After viewing 100's of clips I've come to the conclusion that the lovely Alison probably owns more boots than all other types of shoes combined. Sadly, they're often not quite to my liking, or more often not seen on camera. Since her G4/Attack of the Show days she's been doing TONS of podcasts and the vast majority of those are shot from the waist up (or at a table). The boots she's wearing (check around :40)here are borderline acceptable, the person wearing them is borderline Goddess.
Alison Haislip Tries The Stripper Pole
More Alison Haislip tab clearing. I wasted the better part of Thursday obsessing on Alison, so you might have to put up with a few more of these. BTW-I've become aware that Attack of the Show clips seem to be blocked in the UK. I'll try to come up with some work-around.
Alison Haislip Blooper Dance Party!!! on The All-New Game SHow
The tab clearing continues. Alison Haislip (nerd girl extraordinaire) does some funky robot dancing in her favorite OTK's. Yes, they've fallen slightly below her knees in this clip but my boot nomenclature guide clearly states OTK's are still OTK's even when scrunched down a bit. And it's Alison Haislip, who I love.
Slip into the Right Pair of Riding Boots
Clearing out some open tabs again. This one's on the bubble and only makes the cut because it's available in HD AND features close ups of the boots being pulled on and worn. TOO many of these videos never go below the waist. I'm not as interested in women holding boots.
ALL ABOUT THAT BASE (Star Wars Parody - Meghan Trainor's All About That ...
A nerd parody that features "Team Unicorn" dressed as sexy Darth Vaders (and a sexy Han Solo) in a variety of boots. Look for former Attack of the Show corespondent/host Alison Haislip (AKA one of the world's most perfect women).
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Natalia Jimenez-Thigh Boots & Leather Hot Pants

One of the Judges on La Voz Kids looks stunning in her thigh high boots. Thanks to my friend Dr Morgus for this fine work.
More Home Shopping OTK's
50/50 style. I think it looks better in the brown (starting around the 5 minute mark). This one is available in HD.
Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter Ascending(2015) seems like one of those big-budget mistakes that gets released in February. The hype was inescapable for a few weeks and once it's released on video no one will ever think of it again. It's too early on a Sunday morning to be witty. Mila Kunis spends some time and does some interesting things in a pair of riders. If a movie is set in a fantastical universe filled flying lizard people, I'd like to see better boots than I saw yesterday in the supermarket. Now that I think about it, over the last 2 unseasonably cold days I've seen several pairs of OTK's around town (including on the lady who cuts my hair). But, none of those sightings included a famous actress kneeing somebody in the crotch or beating them with an iron bar. So it's a trade-off.
Sorry, no youtube
ABC Once Upon A Time Behind the scenes
A grainy low-def look at our favorite evil queen in thighboots without green screen effects. The segment starting around the 40 second mark suggests the show would be much better (for us) without all that digitally created scenery mucking up the view.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
I am shamelessly "stealing" this
I'm hoping I can get this to embed properly. Thanks to The NewsWomen Blog for uncovering this one. I'm going to love any fashion clip that begins the lovely hostess saying, "I'm a big fan of tall and over the knee boots." AND it gets better from there. I love this more than ice cream.
Reba At The ACMA's 2015

Reba McEntire performing in thigh high boots (again) at the 2015 Academy of Country Music Awards had me almost ready to crown her the Mary J Blige of country music. Upon further reflection, this is unfair to the Queen of Hip-Hop Soul (and boots). Reba's over the knee phase didn't really start until 2005-ish. By 2005 MJB had already amassed 15 years worth of quality bootage. More importantly, most of Reba's boots are pretty safe. Nice boots, but they run towards suede thigh boots with a cowboy foot, or leather OTK's. MJB's no stranger to high heeled crotch high patent leather. I can't imagine Reba dressed like that. No disrespect to Reba, she's been a good friend to us for over a decade, but....
Sorry, no youtube.
Forgot to mention, at the end of the clip, Chris Kyle's widow in very nice OTK's worn over "leather" leggings.
Reba's What's Happening Live

A bootcentric edit of Reba Mac's over the knee boots on Watch What Happens Live (s12e68). Also Suzanne Somers (a former boot goddess who's been a disappointment for a decade) wears a leather mini.
Oh I WISH I had this in HD.
"Hot" in Cleveland

Jane Leeve's "undercover at a swing club" outfit pales in comparison to Peri Gilpin's famous "O" Halloween outfit (see one post below). And based on these two clips, Hot In Cleveland (this is S06E17) pales in comparison to Frasier.
Sorry no youtube.
Roz as "O"

From Frasier (S05E03) a famous scene at a Halloween party with Roz looking great in leather corset, mini skirt and patent thigh high boots. I thought this made an interesting companion piece to Hot In Cleveland clip above. Roz was a great character and she'd have been bootie as hell if the show ran in 2009.
When we're watching sit-coms my wife and I will often pause it and re-write the jokes. I'm convinced that after Daphne asks Roz "were you rear-ended?" the original script had Roz reply "If I had been, I wouldn't be in trouble." I doubt the censor thought mid-90's audiences would welcome a butt-sex joke.
Marlene Dietrich-Leather, Boots, Spurs, Trampling?
The still at the top was why I downloaded Dishonored (1931). I had known about the short-skirt calf-high boot outfit(but hadn't really noticed the spurs. Sadly we never get any good looks at the leather suit and nothing really interesting happens with the cape-costume. What surprised the hell out of me was the Russian boots she wore while pretending to be a drunken serving girl.
I know I've said this before, but it surprises me every time-these boots from 1931 are 100% indistinguishable from the boots I saw every day in the late 70's. The toe, heel, shaft and even the tooled decorations are EXACTLY like the boots of my adolescence.

From Dishonored (1931) Lots of promise that never quite lives up to its potential. Spurs on calf-high boots, trampling (kinda) in knee high Russian boots and a full leather suit obscured by shadows.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Legs & Company......
.......was the name of the BBC dance company I was searching for yesterday in my post about Fernsehballett. Reader BBL was kind enough to share this clip from Top of the Pops of Legs & Company decked out in STUNNING late 70's thigh boots.
I had never heard ELP's version of Fanfare before. I hope I never hear it again. Amazing how "updating" a timeless classic can sound so horribly dated.
I had never heard ELP's version of Fanfare before. I hope I never hear it again. Amazing how "updating" a timeless classic can sound so horribly dated.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Imagine if The Solid Gold Dancers (ask your parents kids) had a 50 year career as the official dance troupe of American TV. This seems to be the role Fernsehballett played in Germany. Their closest English equivalent might be Hot Gossip or even Hill's Angels. As I suspected in the post immediately prior to this one, DerBellato's channel proved to be a rich vein of boot ore. Below are some direct links to nicely booty dance videos.
(warning BREASTS)
I think these two posts contain the vast majority of the boot videos on that channel. There are a handful of others that I strongly suspect to be lycra/spandex stockings worn with matching shoes. And if you think "those are just as good as boots," you may not belong here.
The links from these pages appear to lead to a deep time-suck rabbit-hole of vintage European show-dance clips with strong boot potential. I will not spend the rest of my day chasing them.
More 60's THB From SatDish
I consider my friend SatDish to be the preeminent authority on 60's style thigh boots. 3 weeks ago he was nice enough to share these two links to one of my youtube channels. Sadly, his message ended up in a spam folder and I just discovered them this morning. I apologize for the oversight.
And as so often happens on the interwebs, this led to that and here's three more-
(tasty, late 70's silver thigh boots)
I have to stop looking now, it appears that DerBellato might be a pretty rich vein. And if I browse instead of post this will NEVER get done
BTW-I've noticed that sometimes having too many embedded youtube videos on a single page can really slow things down. There will be times where I give a direct link instead of embedding them. This is not a reflection on the quality of the videos. Rather it reflects an informal tally in my head about how many embedded videos is TOO many.
And as so often happens on the interwebs, this led to that and here's three more-
(tasty, late 70's silver thigh boots)
I have to stop looking now, it appears that DerBellato might be a pretty rich vein. And if I browse instead of post this will NEVER get done
BTW-I've noticed that sometimes having too many embedded youtube videos on a single page can really slow things down. There will be times where I give a direct link instead of embedding them. This is not a reflection on the quality of the videos. Rather it reflects an informal tally in my head about how many embedded videos is TOO many.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Once More, Katie Cassidy in Thigh Boots

From the Melrose Placed reboot (s01e16) the lovely Katie Cassidy re-rocks her pair of black leather thigh high boots. And again, thanks to my friend Dr Morgus.
Katie Cassidy in thigh high boots

Another tip of the hat to my friend DrM, here's the lovely Katie Cassidy rocking a pair of cuffed(?) black thigh high boots. From the Melrose Place reboot (s01E12)
Katie Cassidy in White OTK's

Thanks to my friend Dr M for this, from the shortlived Melrose Place reboot (s01e01) we see the lovely Katie Cassidy in white over the knee boots.
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