If you've been playing along at home, you know I recently discovered that actress Katie Cassidy has been wearing a great leather fighting suit on Arrow. I've been going through back episodes and acquiring BPV(Best Possible Versions) for what will be the laborious task of trimming through the smoke, darkness and chaos. I happened upon this easily trimmable scene. After 45 minutes of ankle shoe hell, we get this brief snippet of graveside Katie in a very nice pair of over the knee boots and tasty jacket.
This show is so frustrating to watch on a weekly basis. First we have the great Katie Cassidy that I know wears boots but for some reason they have dialed her down and hidden her boots behind objects and dark scenes that only a cat could see even in HD! Guys come on now mood is one thing but this beyond stupid. The other great thing they have on this show is Willa Holland who for some reason is still playing almost the same role she did in Desperate Housewives 6 years ago! Ugh. Finally we have masked female superheros and none of them can wear one pair of sexy boots? This is fiction not comfort. Lynda Carter did just great strutting around in heeled boots on Wonder Woman is it so much to ask for someone now adays to do the same?