From Piège (1970) A clip that seems much naughtier than it actually is. The soundtrack, filled with screams and clangs and anguished moans is quite unpleasant. But when watched muted, it reveals itself to be an innocuous clip of a woman in vintage domme gear (and a nice pair of thigh high boots) dancing over a bound woman in lingerie.
Bjr Bruce, une petite précision, l'actrice au sol c'est Bulle Ogier qui a eu le role de "Maitresse", un film culte sur le BDSM mais hélas sans scène de botte. En tout cas bravo pour avoir trouve cette rareté. Il m'a été impossible de retrouver un morceau du film. Encore merci pour ton travail (et plaisir j'espere). "Temple of the boot avec bb en cuissarde dorée a été mon premier site que j'ai consulte.
ReplyDeleteBjr Bruce, just a clarification, actress ground is Bulle Ogier who had the role of "Mistress", a cult film about BDSM scene but with no boot. Anyway congratulations for having found this rarity. It was impossible to find a piece of the film for me. Again thank you for your work (and fun I hope). "Temple of the boot" with bb in golden thigh was my first website I consulted.
Thank you for your kind words, and yes I am having fun. I like to hear from old friends and finding rare movies is a special thrill.
ReplyDeleteMerci pour vos aimables paroles, et oui je m'amuse. J'aime entendre de vieux amis et de trouver des films rares est un plaisir spécial.