Just some guy obsessed with women wearing boots. Here you'll find all sorts of mostly safe-for-work bootage. The emphasis is on booted women in the popular media.
Actress Alanna Ubach recently appeared on Hollywood Today Live wearing a decent pair of suede knee scrapers. I will always remember her guest role on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as the psycho coke-whore who introduces Dee to the world of being a "foot girl."
Some woman who's on one of those "Real Housewives of......" shows appeared on Big Morning Buzz a few years back wearing tasty knee boots over her leather pants.
BTW: My new system for re-encoding my own captures failed me on this clip. The idea (which has been working pretty good so far) is that 2 pass encoding will insert a key frame every time the camera changes. This time the key frames looked pretty random and the result is a clip with too many head shots. But it is better than the thumbnail page suggests.
Looked around and couldn't find another version of this so....
Kesha performs in those gator print 50/50's she wore throughout most of 2012(-ish?). A crappy looking mostly bootcentric edit, saved by a few moment where she climbs her dancers and rides one like a pony.
Interview portion of the same show. She's an active guest, so lots of shifting and fidgeting with her boot tops. IMO, those gold spur things are the best things about those boots.
In interest of completeness, I stumbled across this backstage youtube clip from the same night. It features a micro-second of a pull-on and one other close-up.
Shawn King (not Shaun King, ex QB for the Tampa Bay Bucs) wears suede OTK flats and sings on Access Hollywood. This was probably 3 Christmases ago, which puts her way ahead of the frustrating matte on matte trend.
I've said it before, I like women who've worked hard to be good at something. Nicole Curtis, host of Rehab Addict on HGTV, is really good at restoring vintage houses. And she looks good doing it, often while wearing knee-high boots. I hope to use future clips to enumerate all the reasons I love Nicole.
Fashion's a funny thing. Exactly one year and two days after the stylish Alison Haislip was one of the few women during all of 2014 to wear high boots(see below), E News runs a feature about how fab they are. Thanks to my good friend Dr Morgus for both clips.
From the archives of Dr Morgus we see this clip from one year ago (12/16/14) of known boot-girl Alison Haislip rocking a nice pair of OTK's. Despite the fact that they were deeply unfashionable a year ago, she looked great in these solid-footed lace-up boots.
If my new scheme to process, trim, upload and post my old captures is to flow smoothly, I'll have to abandon being clever. Well, not completely, but I waste a ridiculous amount of time trying to "find significance" or "place in proper perspective." I need to be comfortable just saying....
Carrie Keagan wears leather knee scraping boots (and a fab top) interviewing Danica McKellar and Jared Leto.
One of the final Big Morning Buzz sightings of the pile of awesome that is Carrie Keagan. Replacing her with Nick F'in Lachey is the very definition of downgrade. Anyway this was probably from 2013 and that's a tasty pair of boots she's wearing.
BTW-I think I've worked out a system that will help me just pump out my old captures from 2011-15 (like the one above). There's some tasty stuff in that archive that's just taking up room. Not all of you will understand my fascination with Nicole Curtis(a joke only Dr M will get), but if I can stick with this, there should be some happy folks out there.
We start with Mrs Charles Woodson walking in those designer boots from a few years back that looked like they were cuffed all the way down past the ankle (or they were designed not to look like knee boots, but rather boots worn under leather pants). People who keep track of these thing can remind me who produced these rather well known boots.
Then, Melissa Stark interviews Bob Craft for NFL Films TimeLine series while wearing a tasty pair of OTK's. Finally, Wendi Nix does her thing on NFL Insiders in her favorite pair of suede knee-scrapers.
Hard to believe that's the gutsy pioneer girl from the True Grit re-make up there in thighboots singing about self-love. But it is Hailee Steinfeld singing Love Myself on this year's Jingle Ball TV special.