This show is FU@KING BONKERS!
You might know I have a heightened appreciation for booted women in highly stylized "menswear." I blame all those lady pirate movies I grew up on. I have never seen anything like the costuming on Extremely Urgent (迫在眉睫). The boots may only be average at best, knee high leather action boots, usually with a solid, well-constructed foot. I see boots like this at the super-market every winters day.
It's the rest of the costuming that sends this show into the stratosphere for me. I don't think I've ever seen such an exuberant collection of wool and velvet and leather and gloves and waistcoats and vests and caps. It's not just on a single character. The Rider, The Blonde and The Spy Chief (and to a less extent the pig-tailed archer) are almost always wearing some fanciful outfit. The costumes are not 100% new every time, but there's enough variety to keep it interesting.
Also, it's an action/drama, so there's plenty of jumping and kicking and riding and fighting (and light bondage and interrogation). Below are two trimmed down episodes that I picked completely at random. I've briefly sampled all 42 hour-long episodes and believe that all of them will yield similar, if not better, results.
Episode 16 features a fight between The Rider and The Spy Chief. Stunt boots are used but they appear to be proper knee-high boots, simply with a lower heel and softer sole. The Blonde appears, uncharacteristically wearing a long dress, but she does try to briefly seduce someone with her boot toe.
In Episode 9, The Rider creeps through the palace, while The Spy Chief threatens a rampage with her emblematic machine gun (seriously, she wields that thing all the time) before finishing the episode with the potential for a little interrogation in the next episode.
Dude you are the F-ing best! I love Soaps and now you got me to watch a Chinese Soap on top of the two American ones I watch and the Spanish one I watch and the two Korean ones I watch. Soaps arent dead. Oh and its nice to see some boots. So far its been pretty dead as far as bootage goes for Pasion y Poder but Susanna Gonzalez looks great as usual.