MPC screwed up the aspect ratio of the stills. It plays correctly in MPC, VLC and WMP
In the States at least, the VHS of Blonde in Black Leather (1975) was stocked by just about every video store you ever went into(you see kids, people used to rent big bulky tapes from actual stores). If you're of a certain age and share certain interests, you've certainly seen it. It's a classic and I'm surprised it's not mentioned more often. It's going to be a nightmare to edit down, Monica Vitti spends almost every moment of the movie in a leather suit tucked into knee high boots. This scene where she goes in to have her suit polished is wonderful. I was trimming down La Femme Ecarlate (above) and remembered how much I loved Monica in Blonde in Black Leather. I thought even if I don't do the whole movie why not share my favorite scene. This clip comes directly from the commercially available DVD without ANY conversion. I haven't found a better version. Maybe someday I'll do a trim of the whole thing, but for now...
Late Add-Girl on a Motorcycle is probably a little better known. I will not indulge in a debate of the relative merits of Monica Vitti vs Marianne Faithfull. A simple comparison between their footwear renders the point moot. A proper pair of knee boots with a 3 or 4 inch heel will ALWAYS trump a pair of ankle-high flats.
That was a great clip. And pretty funny.
Always been a favorite. I feel guilty not uploading a full edit, but that would be my longest clip to date.
DeleteDo It,this is high speed internet era...but maybe it's a lot of work. But thank you anyway, some of the best leather clip that I have seen lately, totaly new for me and even better that girl on an Motorcycle.