Saturday, February 28, 2015

An Update on Courtney Hansen

I'm certain you all remember the lovely Courtney Hansen who's oft-booted appearances on automotive how-to shows are legendary.   While she is still the hostess of PowerBlock, it's been ages since she's worn boots. I monitor every episode and it..............

Hold Everything!!!!!!
I was looking for some pictures to illustrate the bootlessness of Courtney's recent appearances and I stumbled across a preview video for the episode that should be airing  tomorrow (March 1) on SpikeTV-

Yeeeeyyyyy, the boots are  BACK! At least for an episode. What an odd coincidence that just as I'm writing what amounts to an obituary for Courtney's boots, I stumble across their resurrection. The full show should feature more bootage, but this clip from Powernation is certainly an appetizer.


  1. Nice aren't they. BTW-if anybody cares about these sorts of things. I knew Barry at the Newswomen blog would love this clip, so I sent him a link and told him to link directly to it and that he didn't have to give me credit or anything. He and I are good friends (well the internet equivalent) and he certainly didn't "steal" my link or anything.


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