The Canadian show Spun Out continues to dribble out the bootage. Episode 3 showed a brief flash of the bartender's (I'm going to have to learn her name) suede thigh boots. Episode 4 (this one) was more satisfying. Sadly, episode 5 was bootless (but plenty of ankle shoes).
A confession: the other current comedy that promises bootage, Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, is magnificent. Loads of quality bootage on both leads, but its a challenge to trim down. I'll get to the episodes someday, be honest if you're of a certain age and of the "rock tradition" you'll probably enjoy the show and the bootage is just a delightful benefit.
An observation, I've seen loads of pictures of the modern, tight-to-the-leg suede, mid-to-high-heeled thighboot, but seeing them in action makes me REALLY hope they make the jump from celebrity street wear to the big and little screen.
Sorry no youtube.
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