From Contes immoraux (1974). Her "disguised as a boy" act isn't fooling anyone. Great costume with tasty suede thigh high boots and spurs. This first clip is a longer version of the second one on the page. The edit is looser and in contains some brief boot scenes that also feature tasteful European style artsy fartsy nudity.
This is just a trimmed down version of the clip above. It's tighter, has more boot per minute and contains none of the tasteful European style artsy fartsy nudity. Take your pick.
So, you want to know what I'm talking about when I say that over-thinking is the enemy? This post took me a goddamn hour! I spent 55 minutes wrestling with should I do both clips? Or if only one which one? Should it be two posts or both clips in a single posts? How should I word it so it makes sense? I finally just said fu@k it and slapped this together in 5 minutes.
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