Choreographer Laurieann Gibson wears an awesome pair of studded, high heeled red leather crotch high boots on the Wendy Williams show back in December 2010. Mentions and close up's at around 1:15 I'm certain this was capped by my good friend Dr Morgus.
I just noticed this aired the day after the Ciara clip below. That was a hell of a year.
It is indeed mine, you can tell by how much tighter this should have been edited. Of course ignoring that this was the best of the Wendy Williams show she was still in boots. and a lot of her guests especially that year were all booted. I had a job interview that morning so I left this to record and when I came back I almost fell down. What boots.. I checked out her show and only in 1 episode of the 12 I think that aired for season 1 did she wear boots and she wore those CL's on them. Very disappointing.