From The.Final.Programme (1973). After she acts like a real meany for the first minute it settles into a nice display of her 70's style platform boots.
Two things. This movie was a horrible, confused version of one of a series of books by my favorite author when I was 16. I'm sure I'd find Michael Moorcock's (I've heard all the jokes, I carried his books around in high school) multi-volume tales of the Multi-verse sophomoric today, but back in the day, my mind was blown.
Also I've said before many of the older movies I present have been released under many different titles. Rather than choosing between the original language title, the UK release, the US release or the home video release, I just use the title the movie had when I downloaded it. Same goes for year of release. When in doubt I use the name/date that will be easiest to find on IMDB.
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