TV hostess Gamze Istanbulluo rocks a pair of shiny, slinky thigh boots. Thanks to the original capper/poster from back in '09.
I said a few days ago that I was starting a small tribute to the glory days of the Celeboots forum. A day after that I foolishly said in a comment, "I hope to write more eloquent summation when I finish this little flood." I've been feeling the pressure ever since. What follows is a very personal recollection of a public forum. Your recollections and feelings are bound to be different.
I don't want this to read like an obituary. Celeboots is in a stable 7th version and is still a working forum with active posters. But most will agree that it's not like it was and that there isn't a boot forum anywhere with the degree of interaction that Celeboots had in the mid-to-late aughts. It was a fun place.
I don't want to make things about me, but for me the best thing about Celeboots back then is that it wasn't about me at all. After my usenet postings and Temple of the Boot and it was great to just be "a guy" (and not a very important one) rather than "The Guy." I'm not the person to write the history of Celeboots, I came late and left early. I didn't join the fantasy sports leagues or engage in much of the social goings-on. But there was a special vibe there. It transcended our shared interest, but with just enough inside jokes (battery acid) to remind everybody why we stopped by.
I think by the time I became active they were already on their 3rd or 4th incarnation. But I could tell it was a nice community and they didn't really need me. I could show up when I wanted, contribute what I wanted, leave when I wanted. Most of the guys were smart and funny. The ones who liked me, liked me for who I am rather than what I did 3 years earlier. The ones who didn't like me weren't afraid to let me know.
The end of TBC was harder on me than I realized at the time. It was great to have a place I could visit, have a few laughs, collect a few pictures and then get on with other stuff. I think I assumed that a forum as active (& fun) as Celeboots was the future of boot hobbyists. But it looks like I was wrong.
As I wrote in A Little About Me when I started this blog, it would be better for "the community" if I shared these clips to an existing forum rather than creating yet another stand-alone destination. In that respect I'm part of the problem. I have some other thoughts that I might share when it's not a beautiful Sunday morning in Southern California and when my wife and I don't have a lovely bicycle ride planned.
Good to hear your comments re Celeboots. Yes, I too recall what a great place to visit CB was. I was pretty active and a mod over there so probably spent too long on the internet! The big change that happened was that the site completely crashed and disappeared for (I think) at least 12 months. By the time its Lazarus like reappearance happened, most of the key forum members had disappeared and it was never the same again.
ReplyDeleteI have recently started to add the odd post, but the traffic isn't there or if it is, few people are inclined to interact as in the old days. I would like to see if it could be resurrected with an injection of love/enthusiasm but fear it is too far gone.
A shame, as there were few places on the net where you could share banter (as I would on say, a car forum) with a common enthusiasm for ladies in high boots. Oh happy days.
James Addiction
I am quite surprised I am the only person to make comment on Bruce's (very fair) summary of the old Celeboots Forum.
ReplyDeleteI used to be apathetic, now I can't be bothered.
James Addiction
complte name --- Gamze Istanbulluoglu
JA you are so right I go there a lot still but that has more to do with memories of what it was versus what it is now which sadly without the people is just a place with pictures and some videos. This is Bruce's blog and not about Celeboots. Personally I am not surprised that you up to now are the only one to have commented since look at the Celeboots we have now filled with people that dont bother engaging. Like you JA I spent a lot of time there, during work, skipped hours of sleep to post etc, the closest interaction that is left is the fantasy sports which is also starting to see a lul in participation. I know it will not make any sense but many years ago a wise person once said to me "You cant go back home" it is taken out of context and has a larger meaning but for a good number of years that was the best place on the internet as far as I was concerned and indeed you cant go home again especially when home is now an empty shell.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note well said Bruce and you know it wasnt until someone told me that you were head of I never knew. I just thought you were a cool dude that made interesting comments and posted some damn good videos. Thanks for the Celeboots tribute my friend.